Chrystul is currently charged with the first-degree intentional homicide of Randy Volar, a 33 year-old white man, in an act of self-defense in June 2018 when she was 17 years old. Prior to his death, officials in Kenosha knew about Volar’s history of sexual abuse against young black girls and had arrested him on multiple charges including child sexual assault. Volar was released without bail and Kenosha prosecutors failed to act to protect the violence and exploitation of black girls by Volar, including Chrystul. Chrystul’s current charges carries a life sentence in Wisconsin and her bail is set at $1 million.
Far too often Black girls, especially survivors of sexual violence, face over-policing, discrimination, and criminalization by criminal justice systems, while white perpetrators of sexual violence are allowed to escape accountability. Black girls have the right to resist sexual violence and the right to survive. Join Resilience as we discuss the connection between sex trafficking, the criminalization of youth survivors of this violence, and the factors that led to Chrystul Kizer’s criminalization. We will write letters to the Kenosha DA and to Chrystul in a showing of support. (above text copied from link).
Address letters to Chrystul to:
Chrystul Kizer
Kenosha County Pre Trial Facility
1000 55th Street
Kenosha, WI, 53140
Download printable cards here , there is a blank and written version.
Sign the petition here